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  1. gravitybound

    Help a girl out- Is this basic over/under-watering?

    This is my second grow (the first grow I ended up with two beautiful girls that smoked like a dream! But I'm wanting to try a SCROG this time so I need more than 2 girls!) and I'm having a problem with a few of my seedlings. Some are looking great, and some are dying off. My set up right now is...
  2. gravitybound

    Is there some kind of reference for this?

    Hello! :) I'm just wondering if there is some type of guide (maybe with pictures?) about the different stages that plants should be at? I'm never sure when it goes from being a seedling to a plant, etc... (I saw a picture of some other plants that were at 2 weeks that were FAR more advanced...
  3. gravitybound

    Update/More Help Needed! ;) <3

    Well, I transplanted my plants into some better soil, and bigger pots.....Some aren't doing so hot. Please ignore how wet the soil may look, because I took this picture right after watering....(Of course, when I went to transplant, the soil seemed super dry/crumbly....) I finally got a...
  4. gravitybound

    Found My First Hydroponics Store...

    I was in GA for a photoshoot this weekend, and ran across my very first Hydroponic store in the process..... I knew I was in an amazing, wonderful place when I saw the FoxFarms sign out front- but I wasn't ready to see all the things I've read about up close and in person! The guy was super...
  5. gravitybound

    Help a girl out.....

    Ughhhhh, you would think I was trying to build a freaking space shuttle here! They were seeming to do pretty well, and here they are now! What have I done wrong? I just transplanted them a few days ago....could it be my fan is to high? too much light? wrong soil? I'm about to cry! :( (I know...
  6. gravitybound

    Hello! First time growing girl here.....

    Hello everyone! Just thought I'd say hey....I'm new here, and just started my first grow- info on it here! Clueless Chick.... Hope to talk to you all soon! <3
  7. gravitybound

    Clueless chick here.....first time growing!

    Hello! First off, I've been lurking for quite some time...finally started a grow around the first of June (Not positive on the exact date!) I'm growing indoors, using CFLS and a few tubes with a few fans, inside a small closet (with mylar wrapping paper on the walls as of tonight). Watered about...