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  1. C

    Could I get a HELL YEA for weed

    Thanks. ya all rock!
  2. C

    Would You Take A Million Dollars, or....

    If you had a choice between 1 million dollars or having yourself mentioned in the bible, which one would you choose? Let's just say a genie gave you a choice between a million dollars or being allowed to go back in time and become an influential character mentioned in the bible. What would you...
  3. C

    Adventures In Out Door Growing Part II Lonely Pride

    It's sad I'm thinking. As I glide across the waters at about 9:30 at night. So much adventure and no one to tell. I can't even talk to the one I love about it. Total secrecy is the only way I will be able to pull this amazing grow off. Even my best friend doesn't know. And it's lonely...
  4. C

    Gotta Tell This Joke

    A Mormon and an Irish Catholic are sitting next to each other on an airplane. The steward ask them if they would like a drink. The Irish says he would like a wiskey on the rocks. The Mormon says "I would rather be raped by 12 wild amazon woman then to let alcohol touch my lips!" The Irishman...
  5. C

    Fool Proof Organic Growing. Huge Weed Awaits!

    I am an out door grower. I have been experimenting a lot with soil and what works best for weed to get going. I have found this is the easiest way to get your bud green and DANK. If you want natural weed this is the way to go in my opinion. There are lots of ways to do it. I feel this is...
  6. C

    Fool Proof Way to Sprout Your Seeds

    Supplies you will need: Book you will never use. (hopefully not the bible) Plastic ziplock bag Paper towel Water heater Fold the paper towel about four times and soak it. open it up just one fold and put your seeds in the paper towel folded. Close it and put the square paper towel in the...
  7. C

    Adventures in Out Door Growing

    I was giddy the first time I looked at it. $200 dollar kayak at Menards. I remember looking at the That was the best color you could get if you were going to use a kayak to get to weed locations untouched. To me it was almost like one of those video games I once played where...