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  1. R

    accidentally overwatered...

    i accidentally gave my babies too much water... they are drooping now. are they gonna recover???
  2. R

    First Grow - Aghan Kush!

    Hello all! My babies are 2 weeks old. They are Afghan Kush feminized seeds. I planted them 2 weeks ago. I am using 200w CFL lights in a Homebox XS. They are coming along nicely. They are turning yellow a little bit, but I hope to fix them with nutes. Any advice will be appreciated! Let...
  3. R

    What is wrong with my babies?

    My girls are exactly 2 weeks old. They are yellowing a bit and the leaves seems to be drying out. I fed them with the Technoflora starter kit when they were about 10 days old, but the yellowing started before that. They seem to be doing well and I have them under a 200w CFL in a grow tent...
  4. R

    How to flush??

    I am positive my baby girls have nute burn... they are 2 weeks old and I gave them nutes... Doh! How do I flush them properly?? Any advice?? REP+ to all contributors!
  5. R

    Yellowing Leaves due to PH level?

    Good evening! My little 11 day old babys are growing super fast, but 2 of them have yellowing tips of their leaves which are also drying out. I dont have any heat issues and I also fed them a dose of technoflora vegging nutes. I water them with tap water and dont bother with the PH. Do...
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    Transplant Advice

    Does anyone know of a good link for instructions on how to transplant? I am new to growing and my seedlings are ready... Does the new soil need to be wet :mrgreen:
  7. R

    Technaflora Starter Kit...

    Has anyone ever used the technaflora starter kit? My girls are a week old and i am getting ready to start feeding. Just wanted to see if anyone has had any good/bad experience with these nutes... REP+ for all contributions! :blsmoke:
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    Nutrients for my babies?

    Are there any nutes that I should be using after week 1? My little girls seem to be slowing down a bit so I figure they might want some food! REP+ for all contributors!!!
  9. R

    Plants reaching for light??

    My plants are about 6 days old and I am using 150w CFL's... They seem to be reaching for the lights, but my lights are about 3 inches away from them. Could it be another problem? Maybe underwatering? REP+ for all contributors!
  10. R

    Plants reaching for light??

    My plants are about 6 days old and I am using 150w CFL's... They seem to be reaching for the lights, but my lights are about 3 inches away from them. Could it be another problem? Maybe underwatering? REP+ for all contributors!
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    Ventilation Over-rated?

    Let me premise this with the fact that I only have 1 grow under my belt... When I was in college, I did a closet grow with a 400w HPS light. I used this light from start to finish. Because of my setup, I had ZERO access to fresh air. The only airflow was from oscillating fans in the closet. I...
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    Advanced Nutrients?

    Are there any Advanced Nutrients solutions that I can use right from the start? My little girls just popped their heads out of the soil! Let the fun begin!!:hump:
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    Buy a Grow Box?

    I am pretty lazy and I am not very good with my hands so I want to buy a grow box or grow tent... Does anyone have any good suggestions on which one to buy? I am leaning towards a Homebox XS. Thoughts?
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    Seeds just Germinated

    I just finished germinating my seeds.... When I plant them in their pots, does the soil need to be wet? How often do you water the seedlings?
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    Lighting Question

    Hello Gentlemen, I am new to the site and I just ordered 5 feminized white widow seeds. I live in a small apartment and plan to grow in my room in about 5 feet of space. What kind of lights do I need? Fluorescent? HPS? How many watts? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! -One...