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  1. feelingreen

    Schefflera arb., chlorosis, brown spots on new growth, 6-fingered instead of 7

    It feels like I'm fighting an invisible enemy. My schefflera arboricola (named "the schefner") plant was the first to exhibit the symptoms, weaker new growth, rust spots, some yellowing - then it was my two MJ ladies, Samus and Faye. :leaf: :-( Next? Just yesterday, I noticed that the new leaves...
  2. feelingreen

    PC Case Too Small, CFL Lights Burning Plants

    Alright, so I've been having some issues with my plants. The case I'm using is 26.5" tall with two intake, 1 outtake CPU fans, 4x 23w CFL bulbs arranged across the top. I thought my girls were only supposed to get to 18 in., max, but they've gotten a fair bit taller than that. I've got the main...
  3. feelingreen

    Help!!! Rust-brown spots, some yellowing

    I'm growing two autoflowering ladies, both of which were fine up until a couple of days ago. I noticed it first on the fan leaf of one of the plants, the third node from the top of the plant. Around a day and a half later, I noticed it on the same leaf on the other plant, and now it has spread...
  4. feelingreen

    PC Case CFL Grow: Easy Ryder (AK47 x Lowryder #2)

    Hello there, I've been debating whether or not to post a grow journal for a while now, but I've been taking pictures of my two baby girls and recording this grow in a notebook since the beginning, so I might as well. :) I guess I'll start by posting some pictures, since I've taken a bunch...