Search results

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    Does my growroom work?

    Hello, I live in a apartment and odour is a problem. I can't afford to get aught so I am seeking out some help from you guys. I'll list what I have gotten: * Homebox XXL * 2 inline fans (660 with carbon filter, the other one 350 for intake) * Climate controller for (RH and Celsius) * 2 600W...
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    1000W Lumatek

    Hello, Was wondering baout ordering 1000W Lumatek from I have a 600W from BAL now, however I heard something about wrong about the 1000W lumatek 240V! Is this true? Can anyone recommend a 1000W electronic ballast. Thanks For Your Time
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    Where do you guys buy equipment

    Hello, Buying in grow tent, digital fan controller, carbon filter the whole nine yards you could say. The only thing I don't need is lights. However I live in Europe so I need 240V not 120. I was looking at Hydroponics | Hydroponic Supplies however they dont have digital fan controller in 240V...
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    Grow Tents

    Hello, I was wondering about the different kind of grow tents there are. I have been looking at Grow Tents But what is difference between Homebox/budBox and Darkroom?? I was thinking about going for XL, anyone who has any experience with these products.. Please share
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    Hello, I need some help, I am looking for plants that have a low odor and which preferly a good buzz. Can anyone speak out what strains I should go for... Links appreciated:roll:
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    Where to buy lights

    Hey, Looking for 600W MH and HPS where are you guys buying it from. I live in Europe enough said. Where can I get good prices at.... Thanks