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  1. soop

    Hours of Sunishine = Harvest?

    We're now down to 11.2 hours of sunshine per day .... Should total hours of sunshine not directly correlate to harvest? Any thoughts on this?
  2. soop

    Harvest While Wet?

    Ok It's been raining alot ... my plants are ready and well its due to rain more .. .should I hold out for sun, or cut 'em shake the water off a bunch and trim 'em up? Thoughts?
  3. soop

    nice and purple ... looking delish

    appreciate your opinions on these buds :) I figure this one probably has another week or two to go .... And this one I think might still have a week at most THoughts? Opinions? accolades?
  4. soop


    Ok, well they're calling for a low of 3 celsius tonight which is about 37 farenheight ... With a risk of frost ... What should I do? Pull 'em? .... Try and bag 'em? or just let them ride it out as its supposed to climb back up to about 70 tomorrow. Thoughts?
  5. soop

    Going Purple?

    Well this is interesting ... Not sure if its anything to worry about, but thought I'd ask anyways .... thoughts?
  6. soop is being reported as badware

    fYI Firefox is reporting as badware apprently .... damned potsmokers ... evil we are i tell you
  7. soop

    cross post: ACK BUGS! The post above has pics ...
  8. soop

    ACK! Bugs!

    ACK! Bugs?! It's not all over the place ... seems somewhat branch specific ... solutions? thoughts? ideas?
  9. soop

    Ack! Infested!

    Ack! I came home tonight to notice my plants that were pest free all season long now seem to be infested by some bug that kinda looks like flax seeds .... anyways I was thinking about hitting them with a dishsoap/water solution ... Thoughts? I'm a few weeks from harvest still ...
  10. soop

    does this look male or female?

    Ok so I'm a tad concerned ... It's almost harvest time and I have a strange looking plant ... Is it Male? It's very sparse .... but has lots of what looks like trichomes .... see the pics below