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  1. fisk

    is my OG ready?

  2. fisk

    OG kush day 68

    what you think? how wuch longer?
  3. fisk

    ph lock?

    I mixed my nutes and water tested once got it to 5.8 same as always but I didn't lett it sit before testing I don't know what I was thinking fed my girls next day this is what I wake up too tested water and it was 7.5 also sprayed gognats the day before but never had this happen with gognats...
  4. fisk

    my first grow og

    my first grow and my first grow journal so you can all watch me fail lol. I am usesing the full line of foxfarm nutes and I meen the full line. I am going to be using there feeding schedule as well. the girls are on 1/4 dose for now going to move it up to 1/2 at the start of next week. all are...
  5. fisk

    saving a friends mother (dwc to hempy)

    I adopted one of my friends mothers today. he was going to throw her away ahe had a major case of root rot. I decided what the hell I love a challenge but when I was raking the roots with my fingers in water the roots where just falling off by the hand full probably 85%-90% of them. I have never...
  6. fisk

    getting every thing ready for my first grow

    ok on the 10th I will be ordering every thing for my first grow and building my grow box. my box will be 3' wide 3' deep and 6' tall intake at bottom right corner out take top right corner. I plan on using drip system in 5 gal buckets with 8" mesh tops pump in each bucket and air stone. I plan...
  7. fisk

    preparing for first grow

    I am preparing for my first grow and would like to use cfls for it I just want to know if I'm on the right track first. I will be growning in a 4' wide 2' deep and 4' tall cabinet and planing on growing 2 mazars in there from clones. My plan is to use 10 23watt daylight bulbs for veg and 10...