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  1. G

    Weed & Beats Volume 1

    If you like hip hop and weed then you might wanna check this FREE instrumental album out. The youtube channel is
  2. G

    240w Lighthouse Blackstar LED Grow Light 3w LED's

    I saw this 240wLighthouse Blackstar LED grow light on eBay for around $300usd. Has anyone here used this particular model? I've been reading about some really good indoor yields using led's. But I don't want to pay a lot if I'm not sure its gonna work. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
  3. G

    THC Bomb & Luna Haze

    Anyone ever grown THC Bomb or Luna Haze? I just bought THC Bomb from and they gave me 5 free Luna Haze seeds. This is my first grow but I've been doing a lot of reading on the subject and I hope things go well. Can anyone give me a heads up of what to expect?
  4. G

    THC Bomb & Luna Haze

    I just bought a pack of 10 seeds from I got the THC Bomb and my order comes with 5 free Luna Haze seeds. This is my first time growing and I will be growing outdoors. I was wondering if anyone has grown these two before and could you give me a heads up on what to expect...