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  1. T

    Problem with White Widow grow

    My plants are only 3 weeks old and the heat is immense... I believe that's the reason this happened, however I'm not certain... anyways, the bottom leaves are all dry and dead while the top bushels (6-8 leaves) are ok... I snipped the dry yellow leaves and am hoping for new growth soon. Can...
  2. T

    Birds eating my plants?

    I have some small week old plants in solo cups and earlier today I went to water them only to find a bird perched on the edge of a cup and when I walked up there where leaves missing.. I don't know if it was the bird's doing or bugs, but I know I'd rather it not happen again. Has anyone had...
  3. T

    Growing White Widow Outdoors

    I'm looking to put about 7 plants in the ground within the next week but the humidity where I'm at is killer.. I'm prepared to keep fans on them but I'm not sure that that will be enough. Will White Widow be able to survive 95 degree heat? This will be my first yield and I'd like for it to pull...