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  1. S

    Wilting leaves, one week old. HELP!

    I planted some seedlings and have them under an 80W Fluorescent shop light with a 24W light on one side and another 15W light on the other. The side lights are right up near the pots, around an inch away and the shop light is about 2 inches away from the top of the plants. The main problem is...
  2. S

    Odd Bugs on my Plants! HELP!

    My little seedling I set out in the moderate shade during the day and put them under my lights at night (because my lights are VERY low powered.) I had 3 seedlings going and 2 more almost done germinating but my girlfriend threw them away not knowing what they where :(. Today, just now infact I...
  3. S

    First Grow - Journal

    This is the journal of my first grow, will have pictures as it progresses. Hoping to get some good stuff, the weed I got the seeds from was really good, pretty sure the guy I bought it from said it was California Kush or something like that. I'm growing under REALLY low CFL/Sunlight. I have a 15...
  4. S

    Carolina Kush, heard of it?

    Today I got a kick ass deal from my new dealer and got a huge three layer glass bowl and three grams of Carolina Kush for $20. I smoked some (newbie smoker) and two-four hits puts me on my ass staring at the wall for two-three hours. I gave some to a friend of mine (veteran smoker) and she said...
  5. S

    Compact Fluorescent?

    I have a 26W compact fluorescent light bulb in a desk lamp and it'll be a little while before I can get a higher powered bulb (a few weeks) and was wondering how long will I be able to use this 26W on a single plant? Also, if there is a cheaper alternative to a larger bulb, let me know...