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  1. jokerjocko

    7 weeks flowering

    so how much longer 4 weeks?
  2. jokerjocko

    when do buds grow the most?

    in what general weeks of flowering do you see the most bud growth?
  3. jokerjocko

    has anyone grown Caramelicious

    would like some opinions
  4. jokerjocko

    can you get dense buds with 2 150w sunsystems

    i have 2 150w hps sunsystems lamps for 4-6 plants can i get dense buds with this
  5. jokerjocko

    2nd grow bagseeds 2-150w basement grow MG soil

    1 week in lights havnt arrived yet so the babys are on my deck
  6. jokerjocko

    Just One Question About Butter

    can you use fresh bud/clipings that havnt been dried to make the butter
  7. jokerjocko

    question about strain and pistles

    i read that some strains tricomes don't change to amber so do some strains pistles not completely change? hers a bagseed my first plant 9 weeks 12/12
  8. jokerjocko

    can you harvest half

    can you harvest half of a plant with out hurting the rest? all the buds but the cola are done
  9. jokerjocko

    does this look done !?!?!?!

    i think its close firstgrow bagseed 6 weeks veged 8 weeks (12/12) m.g. soil 5 gallons about 200w cfls
  10. jokerjocko

    how long does it take to get the "hay" smell out

    how long does it take to get the hay smell out and how do you do it?
  11. jokerjocko

    harvested a smaller bud for a test run

    so i ran out of bud and the dough flow is tight so i decided to kill two birds with one stone. so this is a test run of my drying and curing please i dont need people telling me that i harvested way to early or anything i just want tips on the drying and curring please and BTW this is about...
  12. jokerjocko

    week 7 how much longer do you think

    yup im doin it ha
  13. jokerjocko

    what is going on!

    so i noticed that on 2 of the main bud the leafs are like rotting? can someone tell me what it is? and what i should do. the pics are from one plant one of the two bad buds and one good bud off the plant
  14. jokerjocko

    how do you trim?

    this is my first grow and i snipped a tiny bud and dried it (i know its way early) and i dont know what to snip off all the leafs or is it just personal choice? Ive smoked my fair share of pot but never paid attention to what exactly was on it
  15. jokerjocko

    4th week what do you think

    4th week flowering in soil with 200w cfls what do you think?
  16. jokerjocko

    easyest way to make hash

    ok this is my first grow im not ready to harvest but i want to know what to do with the triming when i am. So whats the easyest way to make hash or something with what i have in the house?
  17. jokerjocko

    hope i can get some help bud growth

    i am four weeks into flowering a bagseed i veged for about two months. its under about 225w cfls it looks healthy but it seams like the buds have stoped growing the last week they are about the size of a quarter the buds are starting to frost up tho and the main cola is like a dime size...
  18. jokerjocko

    fouth week cfl bagseed soil closet grow pics

    let me know what you think. also if you have any advice i would like to hear it this is my first grow. im using mg plant food as nutes lol
  19. jokerjocko

    about bud growth

    do the buds continue to grow bigger untill the chop? or do they stop and just mature?
  20. jokerjocko

    has anyone used general plant food?

    im thinkin about using a general plant food i have laying around has anyone done this?