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  1. R

    watering ideas

    goin out of town for 3 days and my plants usually need water every 2 days or they start shriveling horribly. what solutions do i have?
  2. R

    top is clawing, bottom is yellow. FML

    top is clawing, bottom is yellow. i just started flowering on thanksgiving and have not given any nutrients since a 2 days before that. should i go ahead and give bloom nutes while the clawing still indicates to much nutes already? if not, does the clawing go away on its own, quickly, or will...
  3. R

    will plants recover from deficiency

    hey, new to the forum. haven't really needed to post, as most info is found thru search... anyhow, can anyone tell me whether or not leaves recover once a deficiency is corrected and if not, should i go ahead and remove the leaves, or allow them to die completely and fall off on their own.