Search results

  1. delusion

    Going to the Cannabis Cup?

    I might be attending this year, if youve gone in the past or are going this year hit me up. Let know what it was like over there, ive never left the country!
  2. delusion

    Talk about sketch

    So I was planning on growing with a good buddy of mine... Guy has all the time in the world, as he has no job. We discuss things we will need and a budget. I have some things from a previous grow and he, some how, has money to throw in. Well i find out this money of his is from his ex gf. im...
  3. delusion

    Best Budget Grow Ideas?

    Ok so I have a budget of around $550. I already have a 600w hps from a previous grow and a 4x4x7 tent. Now what are some ideas on stretching this budget to making this a succesful grow? Im up for any good ideas! Thanks in advance!:hump: