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  1. R


    I have a 9ft early skunk growing outside. Its early in its buds and the weather is getting colder and very little direct sunlight. Im wondering if transplant inside is an option (prob have to lay it on its side). If not want else i cud to to keep this going?
  2. R

    should I?

    This is my first grow. Its an early skink. Im not sure if i should harvest them know or not? It's been pretty wet here as of late and im worried mold is gonna set in. There not getting much sunlight anymore so im contemplating if it's worth harvesting them now or risk it? What do you guys think.
  3. R

    Gettin cold

    This is my first grow, I have an early skunk thats just over 8ft. The frost is starting and the plants a bit of a late flowerer so im worried it won't make it in time. I don't really have room in my house unless i put it sideways. Any ideas on what I should do and if I do transplant it inside...