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  1. HHGTTG420

    Question From A Friend About 70% Rubbing Alcohol & Bong Resin

    Hey everyone, got a friend that's dry right now and for the past few months he's been washing out his bong with 70% rubbing alcohol (after dumping the water ofcourse). He said he had a nice brown tinge to the alc and evaporated it. Now its this crystallized and from what he says, smells a little...
  2. HHGTTG420

    #rollitup on

    Channel is on +i (invite only) can someone invite me (HHGTTG420) or tell me to bugger off? :)
  3. HHGTTG420

    Sick 'em dogs! woof woof woof!

    Come on Georgia, beat Tenn today to make up for the horrible loss last week! Go Dawgs! Anyone else watching college football today?
  4. HHGTTG420

    Industrious Stoners

    Was reading this -> Made me realize that a) its right and b) we really do put a lot into our projects. So, what stoner-centric projects have you done? Mine (that I can remember); - Many water bottle/bottle/random...
  5. HHGTTG420

    North Central FL indoor Grow Box (CFL/Bag Seed)

    Hey Everyone, figured I'd finally post my Journal. Its not as impressive as others but hey, its a first shot to indoor growing. Some background: I've done outdoor growing a few times before many years ago, medium yield w/bag seed. Not impressive but got the job done. This is my indoor grow in...
  6. HHGTTG420

    Laid back toker from Florida

    I suck at these things, I really do, but here it goes. Hey everyone, been reading the site for a while now and figure I'll actually join and participate since I'm starting to grow my own. I'm around north-central florida (Marion/Citrus/Sumpter counties) and love it here. Many hobbies, mostly...