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  1. ak9077

    lost post. HELP!

    what up everyone. looking for a post i saw a while back. can't remember if it was icmag, rollitup, grasscity, etc. basically dude had a 20x12 sealed room i believe 10 plants under 10kw, hydro, c02, 3 ton ac. main point of the thread was that each plant had like 25 colas and he yielded like...
  2. ak9077

    Hydro temps

    Sooo scared of root rot. Res is currently running about 78 degrees, inside my flower room. Can easily do some rearranging and put it outside, and have a constant 70 degrees. Is it needed? Will 78 cause problems?
  3. ak9077

    Hang and dry or trim and dry?

    Have done it both ways. Just curious as to how others do it. Do you trim the plant while its standing, cut the stock and hang it or do you trim the plant and cut all the buds off to dry without the stock? I've done it both ways and have found it's much easier to hang the entire plant but I just...
  4. ak9077

    Temperature difference between 600 and 1000watt metal halide?

    Looked all over and can't find a legit answer. Anyone with experience using both know the temperature difference between a 600 and 1000 watt ballast + metal halide bulb? Specifically Galaxy ballasts + hortiflux bulbs.
  5. ak9077

    Hash making. Seeking expert advice.

    Looking at 20 pounds of plant material and a complete hash making setup. Have a few questions. Leaves, stems, everything converted to hash. What is the conversion of weight of material to hash? Also, I know there's a difference in quality with straight bud and plant material. Is it huge? Also...
  6. ak9077

    Dolomite Lime

    Quick question about the stuff. 3 weeks into flower and I'm having some PH issues. Soil PH around 5.75-6 in soil, a little low. Can I just add some Lime to the top of the soil before watering or does it HAVE to be pre mixed into the soil? If so, I'm using 2 gallon buckets. How much lime to 2...
  7. ak9077

    Nutrient Burn

    I have a little bit of nutrient burn. Can I just water with regular water for 2-3 waterings, then back to nutes every other watering? Is that sufficient "flushing" or do i actually need to flush the roots with water for the plant to stop the nutrient lockout. I'm growing in soil. I was getting...
  8. ak9077

    Reflective Floor

    Friend of mine was telling me that having your grow room floor reflective is a bad thing because it fucks with the plants negatively. Is there any merit to this argument?
  9. ak9077

    Sun Systems Reflectors

    Just have a quick question about their proprietary socket cord assemblies. I have galaxy ballasts, not sun systems. Is it simple to take out the proprietary sockets and put in my own?
  10. ak9077

    Buying a new truck

    First of all I'm blazed off my ass and don't feel like finding some other forum to get advice on this. This is the only internet forum i read daily. I know, gross nerd. Anyways, on Saturday I'm going into the dealership to finish up the deal on my new truck. Have a question about how the...
  11. ak9077

    Soap mix for Thrips

    Have thrips on the plants in my veg room. Today I'm gonna give each plant a thorough scrubbing in my huge sink with a soap/water mix. After that I'll soak them with neem oil and sanitize my veg room. What is the best type of soap to use and what ratio of mix?
  12. ak9077

    Need help diagnosing my BUG problem

    So I've been growing for around 3 years now so I definitely know my shit. Thing is I've never had any sort of bug problem so this is all new territory for me and I'm completely clueless. So, I'm going to try to explain this as thoroughly as possible and hopefully some of you experienced people...
  13. ak9077

    Best, cheapest online grow shops.

    Looking to pick up some stuff. Just looking for opinions on the best online shops. US shops only. Thanks
  14. ak9077

    Clones - simple question.

    Should clones in my rockwool, under domes be under 24/7 or can i just put them in my veg room with my 600 watt MH @ 20/4?
  15. ak9077

    Just transplanted

    Just transplanted my clones for the first time. 24 of them. running under a 600 watt MH at about 75 degrees, 45% humidity. soil, pro mix. Wondering how much i should water them and if i should use nutes or not assuming they are brand new clones.
  16. ak9077

    Brown cup things

    Friend of mine uses these. Puts his clones into them when he transplants. Never seen them before and not sure what they do. That's what i want to know. What's the benefit over transplanting directly into your pro mix without them? Pics attached.
  17. ak9077

    Common problem - brown leaf tips in flower

    Pretty sure this is a pretty common issue. About 1 month into flower, the tips of my leaves start browning. The very tips. Looks like nute burn or just straight burn from being too close to the light, but that's definitely not the issue. I run a little hot at 85-90, 35-60 humidity depending...
  18. ak9077

    Dealing with mold

    So in my grow room I have a little bit of mold going on. My humidity is too high and im not getting enough ventilation. I've cropped for 2 years in this room and haven't had an issue with my bud, but it's time to adjust and fine tune a few things. Bringing in a dehumidifier to drop RH to 40-45%...