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  1. zoochick415

    Powdery mildew problem!!!HELP

    :oHI Has anyone had a problem with powdery mildew? I am haing a problem with it no but got it somewhat undercontrol with the baking soda, dish soap and water mixture (forgot what its called sorry) and now my plants are starting to have yellow spots! Any suggestions? thanks:confused:
  2. zoochick415

    HELP!! powdery mildew problem!

    Hi, I recently got some new baby, they turned out to be infected with powdery mildew! I saw some home remedies on line using baking soda, dish soap and water that is supposed to change the ph on the plants and make it unliveable for the mildew. Has anyone tried this just want to make sure it ok...
  3. zoochick415

    HPS with CFLS?!! is it ok

    hello, i am currently growing with cfls but i am starting to think that a hps is gonna be easier so i dont need like a thousand lights to created the right amount of lumens. Anyway i wanted to get a 250 wat hps system but i still want to use my cfls. I have 4 plants currently. Is it ok to use...
  4. zoochick415

    Cloning with HEAT! Opinions please!!!

    HELLOOO THERE! i am planing on cloning my plant soon and i have a few thing i was wondering if i could get some advice on. I have seen different ways of rooting clones. First question: 1. What is better heating pad for the first 2 days or none? 2. Which works better covering while rooting or...
  5. zoochick415

    other plants!?

    hello, Is it ok for me to grow other plants like herbs with my weed? i have a few small pots i want to start up next to my MaMA, is this ok? will it hurt besides take up co2? thanksbongsmilie
  6. zoochick415


    my baby is about a 4 week old clone and i am wondering if i should start trimming come of the fan leaves that are blocking the smaller leaves?! she is about a foot and a half tall. also should i TOP yet or wait until flowering? Also, how exactly do i LST? thankskiss-ass:eyesmoke:
  7. zoochick415

    clone box ideas PLEASE!!

    hello all, i am going to start cloning soon and want to get a small green house or make one. does anyone have any good ideas or websites with a cheap greenhouse? or is it even nessecary? i know the temp and humidity needs to stay high for at least the first 2 days. holla at me yall...
  8. zoochick415

    quick newb question???

    I am not were near flowering but i was just wondering...does the plant die after harvesting? or can you continue to flower the same plant? thanks
  9. zoochick415

    Garbage can set up! and tips!

    hi every one, so i finally moved my baby (about 3 week old clone) out of the bathroom and into a tinfoil lined 32 gal garbage can in my closet. i have a 23 watt cfl and a 42 wat cfl (but getting a 105 cfl in mail i am gonna replace the 23 with) and a office fan. i cut a hole in the bottom of the...
  10. zoochick415

    Watts vs. lumens? Which is better?

    :weed:hello, I have one 4 week old clone and i was using just a 23 watt CFL. i wanted to get more wattage to my plant so i got a 42 Watt CFL. Then i noticed that the 23 watt bulb looks to have more lumens?! Is more lumens better or more wattage? I am planing on getting more lights but for right...
  11. zoochick415

    HELLO AND HELP! Lighting question?

    hello, everyone, i am new to growing and recently purchased a clone and had it for about 2 weeks. i have had a hard time figuring out what the best lighting is since there a so many choices. i had a CFL but found out it is only 23 watts so went and bought a 150 agro light from home depot. is...