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  1. B

    Super Sad Plant ;(

    My plant is three months old. We have it in a box that averaes temps in the 80's. sometimes hotter (90's). Its a 360watt bulb with three plants. We water the plant one a day or once every OTHER Day (depending on the moisture of the soil).' We are going to start using 'super thrive' that we...
  2. B

    First time grow, 250$ grow Box

    So me and my roommates got together to make a proper grow box. We used an Old IKEA 'closet' cabinet. (free) 400 Watt MH Light (75$) Space Blanket (5$) Plants (Super Lemon Haze ($$)) The only problem that we have is the heat. It gets really hot in there. Somebody recommended...
  3. B

    My plant is can i get her happy?

    So We have right now two plants under a 1000watt light (HPS). It gets a steady 20 hours of sunlight, water three times a day. It's in our basement right now. So we've been growing them. the first plant (NOT PICTURED) is doing really good (afghani strain). While this one (purple) is sad. what...