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    Super Lemon Haze from Greenhouse. Clone, 6 Weeks veg.

    this is my mother super lemon haze, vegging under 175 mh. allready took 4 clones and they have been veggin under 600 hps for a week. will have pics of clones under 600w hps soon.
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    Selecting a Mother

    So... I am picking out a mother, should I pick out the bushiest, fastest growing, nicest looking one?? I cant bud them all and then select a mother, so how am I going to know that one will have the best bud?? should I pick out the smelliest? its not the nicest, fastest growing one though...
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    Read to Much. Anyone Know Any Good Grow Video's? Indoor or Out

    Hey mannnnn My eyes are soo tired, read so much..... know of any cool grow video's?
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    70 HPS VS 175 MH For Flowering One Plant

    Just wondering what would be better for flowering ONE plant that takes up ONE square foot of canapy. 175 watt MH or 70 watt hps ??? lights are exact same size.. same size bulb same size hood
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    Will They Start Flowering From - 20/4 to 15/9?

    Will They Start Flowering From - indoors (20 on 4 off) to outdoors (15 hours 20 minutes of light, increasing slowly) ??? I hope not, I want them to veg more first.. oh forgot to tell you, there a month old indica'ish strain's look at my thread if you need to see them V
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    Transplanting A Week Into Flower?

    Hey RIU..... Simple queston I couldnt find.. Is it ok to transplant a week into 12/12 ?.. im sure its better then leaving them in 2 litre pots.. not sure how many gallons that is, I think less than one.
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    Small Plants Out Early vs Big Plants Out Late

    So.. I have some girls goin out soon.. should I put them out now at half a foot tall, or wait till they get bigger and put them out on the longest day of the year?? im in southern canada btw.
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    How Long till They Show Sex?

    I know its strain dependent, but how long does a mostly indica plant take to show sex under 20/4 light ? I know height has nothing to do with it so maybe amount of nodes or age?
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    2 Week Old Purple Indica and Bagseed, How are They Doing?

    20 purple indica and 10 bagseed under 2 x 32 watt 6500 cfl and 100 watt hps, organic seed starting mix.. pics are from 3 days ago and there allready alot bigger. most are going outside and a few are staying with me. will post more soon.. sorry for the sh*t pic quality 1st pic- purple indica 2nd...
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    Purple Indica and Bagseed, 2 Weeks Old. How Are They Doing?

    Got about 30 babies, half Purple indica - half bagseed from unknown canadian outdoor. just wanna know how there doing for 2 weeks. there under 2 x 32 watt 6500 cfl's and 100 watt hps, most are going outside and a few are staying with me. also i have an unknown bug and took the clearest pic I...
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    anybody have info/pics on a (skunk x ak47?)

    any info would be good. Thx-
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    S47 ?

    I currently have 2 female plants, they are called S47 (skunk x ak47) I cant find any info on this strain, any info at all would be helpful. 100 watt hps/ 140 watt cfl, soil, 4 weeks flowering, will post pics as soon as I find my digi.. THX
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    Hey, I have 2 s47 skunk x ak47 in their 4th week of flowering in soil under 100 hps and 140 watts of cfl... I usually wait till the soil is pretty dry before i water them and the leaves are drooping down, when i water them the leaves go almost straight up. Im sure they are getting enough...
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    stuff i bought, total 480 watts cfl

    k well i have 6 (40) watt cfl's (actual watts) and i just got another 6.. I have 2 bathroom fixtures that look like this, bathroom fixture ---------------------------- | | | | | | << 6 (40) watts | | | | | | << 6 (40)...
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    highest wattage cfl around my parts?

    Hey, I live in ontario, canada.. I was wondering what are the highest actual wattage cfl's i could get at any store around here.. highest i have found so far are (40) watters for 10 bucks and (45) watters for 15 bucks.... I need 9 of the highest watt cfl's i can find without ordering...
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    6 socket cfl's

    hey.. well I was trying to figure a way to easily plug in 6 cfl's in one socket.. I was thinkin about gettin 2 power bars and buyin 6 of the light sockets that plug in the power bars.. until I found this at the thrift store. its a pic off google. anyways my question is can i safely plug in 6...