Search results

  1. Shmigma

    Farm Soil

    I am planning on growing on the edge of a corn field and wasn't sure if I should get some enriched soil and mix it in or just assume this farmer knows his shit. ideas?
  2. Shmigma

    Seeds Anyone?

    The area I live in suffers from random swings in weather. I am looking for a strain that will be able to handle our harsh weather swings. Indiana is located at approx. 39 to 45 North. This means that most plants climatized for Europe would not be spot on for Indiana. I want a resiliet strain...
  3. Shmigma

    Growing in the Midwest

    I have been all over the forums looking for a thread on growing in my area. I live in central Indiana but much of the Midwest contains similar ecosystems and weather conditions. I thought I would start this thread in order to gather information on outdoor growing in the Midwest. The question...