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  1. N

    Ready or not?

    Hi people, I need some experienced opinions on my plants. This is my first time growing cannabis. I have 5 auto ladies in my garden wich all are starting week 12 and about 6 weeks into flowering. It hasn't been the best weather this year so i'm thinking they could be more developed. I'm a bit in...
  2. N

    Mildew before harvest

    Hi people, I discovered some mildew on the sugar leafes of my outside grow just now before harvest. I'm planning on doing it this weekend. What would be the best way to deal with it now? For now my best idea is to carefully cut them of whem i'm going to harvest and hoping it won't spread)
  3. N

    Drying while on holiday

    Hey people, I am trying to fing my best stratagy for my drying and curing process. My autoflowers that i am growing outside are due just before i am leaving for holiday for 2 weeks. Looking at the plants the estimate due period should be about right, some might be a bit earlier. I read that...