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  1. S

    Having a problem identifying this issue/defficiency!!

    Hi there, so i got these clones in rockwool, planted in a coco mixture. and these two Blue Afganis specifically seemed to have what i thought was a cal-mag issue, (specifically mag, but its not taking up nutrients from the lower growth, and the new growth seems really weak). While watering them...
  2. S

    topped plants 2 weeks into veg and decided to LST couple days after, am i screwing up my "training"

    Hey there, ultra newb here, so i got some clones at not a great time, i've been a little busy so these guys have been hanging out in veg for the past 2 and a half weeks, i just topped the plants a couple days ago (i know really late), but had some time today and decided i wanted to try LST, as...