Search results for query: Cannabutter

  1. medidedicated

    General Edible Making Discussion So to start this off, this is what made me want to make the thread. I never seen this. Had a wild thought that what if you fresh froze and somehow made edibles. Interesting… Some questions. How...
  2. Mumbeltypeg

    Input welcome, old dog new tricks.

    Be kind to yourself and take it slow and easy my friend.. I’m really glad you’re ok. Glad your soil stuff is working out.. did you end up getting some Bodhi seeds in the end? That’s about where we left off a month ago..
  3. C

    Input welcome, old dog new tricks. I'm not sure how it's gonna go. Least I remembered what I'm doing growing before harvest lol. Yesterday my wife asked me to make some cannabutter and I realized I didn't remember. It's been like back when I ate Xanax's. I just randomly have forgotten stuff. Hey, Google Wreck Interstate 58...
  4. DancesWithWeeds

    Maximum amount of CBD that you can infuse into coconut oil

    I don't know what the saturation point would be for infusion, bt you can just mix more oil int the coconut oil. It would become a mixture insted of an infusion, but what would be the defference? I think that with the ratios of bud to coconut oil you may be losing a lot of good stuff.
  5. Humanrob

    Maximum amount of CBD that you can infuse into coconut oil

    ...oil infused capsules for my spine condition. I don't distill it down with alcohol, I just do it the same way I used to make THC based cannabutter. My weakest batch was 3oz of CBD flower in 12oz of oil. My strongest batch was using 4oz of CBD flower with 8oz of coconut oil. Using this...
  6. medidedicated

    Pics of edibles you made

    I got cannabutter I made before this one though so just making some bark. It didnt occour to me to use toffee bits as an enhancer. Like a heath bar. This butter doesnt burn my stomach. I guess the goal to avoid that is to make it as clean as possible of plant matter. Hand grind with herb...
  7. medidedicated

    Pics of edibles you made

    Yea that cannabutter I last made had 2oz per cup oil and grinded to dust with coffee grinder and had too much plant matter I was told. Its Not edible. Maybe if dilute it but meh. Using it for topicals. Tossed the chocolates. That butter burns my stomach after many times unless eating a little...
  8. C

    Input welcome, old dog new tricks.

    Sounds like he needs to grow up im a pretty open minded guy but one thing i have 0 respect for is folk who dont care about there kids ya dont wanna deal with it then wrap it an dont have kids in the first place anyway bud good luck with the new project hopefully he screws the nut and gives you...
  9. tyler.durden

    Blaze & Daze

    ...tobacco for blunts (yuck). Now that he gets pounds for super cheap from Cali, I just put it in the tumbler to extract kief and press that into nice tasting hash pucks. I also make cannabutter from it for brownies and such. That's nice trim, looks just like my hand trim but done much, much...
  10. BobBitchen

    Blaze & Daze

    Kief it then make your edibles
  11. Rsawr

    Blaze & Daze

    Do you use it because you don't wanna throw it out? That's why mine sticks around. I have plenty of buds, but throwing out a giant tub of trim seems wrong. I like tincture and cannaoil made with buds, they have a taste, but it is a clean herbal one. Trim tastes like plant ass...
  12. Laughing Grass

    Blaze & Daze

    I usually make cannabutter. If I'm being honest all my edibles taste like ass!
  13. BrassNwood

    How much thc can coconut/lecithin hold?

    The usual suspect in stomach pain issues is in fact the actual plant material for some reason. Straining usually clears up the trouble but not always. You're on the right path with experimenting with the various possible mixes.
  14. medidedicated

    How much thc can coconut/lecithin hold?

    In a nutshell, anyone, why would cannabutter ache stomach like a burning sensation? @BrassNwood ? Its 95% trim which is my first time doing which is also first time this ever happened. Half the trim was raw leaf with minimal oils. I grind to dust in coffee grinder so a lot of plant particles...
  15. medidedicated

    How much thc can coconut/lecithin hold?

    ...flower/kief I realize this is first time using trim. Half sifted and aged and half unsifted but few months older. Why!? Omg. All other cannabutter from flower and live resin no ache whatsoever. Could eat 3 cookies or more the most id get is liver ache from like 5 cookies. 100mg ish each...
  16. medidedicated

    DIY THC/CBD Topicals

    Just made a topical. 1/3cup beeswax, 1/3cup olive oil and 1/2 cup lecithin infused cannabutter coco with 1 cup coconut to make 1.5 cups coconut. Mix in double boiler, cool and use. Any tips tricks I can learn from the community? Was asked if I could make some for some people and just like that...
  17. CarolinaPothead

    Input welcome, old dog new tricks.

    ...cleaner next time but it is good. Have to freeze to handle it. My disabled buddies love the trim. 1 told me those 3 zips made him enough cannabutter to last him a month. So thats awesome. Hey, i got beans coming today too. Mephisto is giving a free 5pk. of a new strain with every order. I...
  18. Mumbeltypeg

    Input welcome, old dog new tricks.

    Wow, he sounds like a F*wit.. bummer. When you say trim, do you mean bud or actual leaf trim? I’ve never made hash, except that nasty stuff we used to extract using butane..yukko..I was making some infused coconut oil the other day.. I still have a good pound or so of Larfy bud to process yet...
  19. CarolinaPothead

    Input welcome, old dog new tricks. Strong as shit cause its a bunch of strains. I got 2.2g scraped into that container and i heated a quarter stick of butter in that dish and made cannabutter with the rest, decarbed and ready. Me and the wife split half of that in pudding. I cant believe i was composting it all before.
  20. CarolinaPothead

    Input welcome, old dog new tricks. do an alcohol wash. Ive made a small BHO rig but it only holds a few grams. Would take forever plus alot of butane. Honestly, I might just gift it to a disabled vet I know. He doesn't smoke. He makes cannabutter from what i give him. 5-6 zips of quality trim would give him alot of meds.