does your new cable box have a camera in it?


Well-Known Member
i have heard rumors of this. tiny camera hidden within the front panels of the new cable boxes. they can see EVERYTHING. :shock:



Well-Known Member
stand in the rain and pee on my leg, then say the suns out. :roll: or something like that. :)

"The idea being that if you turn on your cable box, it recognizes you and pulls up shows already in your profile or makes recommendations. If parents are watching TV with their children, for example, parental controls could appear to block certain content from appearing on the screen. Kunkel also said this type of monitoring is the “holy grail” because it could help serve up specifically tailored ads. Yikes."



New Member
I've done some research. These cable-box cameras were ordered by a couple of the Marxist Czars in the Obama administration. Its all being set up like in Orwell's 1984, where not only do you look at the television, but the television looks back at you. Everything you do is being broadcast into the War Room of the White House, where the Czar of the Ministry of Truth, Winston Smith, scans through every home in the country to check for anti-Obama statements being made by you and your family members. If you think this is nonsense, wait until an official of the Ministry of Peace tells you ... "Here's a boot in your face FOREVER!" :blsmoke:


fuck me silly, its all true. when the lights go out , we will all grow outside like it was meant, and no fucking cameras looking at me smoke my homemade bong, it will auto change the channel to family guy.


I thought there where putting cameras in the new dtv boxes not cable boxes, anyway i sell electronics and check all of ares and they have no camera. however i did see one video on youtube where a guy went to a local walmart in the states and got a magnovox dtv and he showed a camera in it