My workout


Well-Known Member
Anyone try kettlebells? They're awesome. They're like a weightlifting/cardio hybrid. My favorite is the kettlebell snatch.

Here's my workout I've been doing:

Day 1
Dead Lift
TRX Jackknife
Offset Waiters Carry
Clean Grip Reverse Lunge

Day 2
Band Resisted Leg Raise
Front Squat
Calf Raise
KettleBell Clean/Clean and Press

Day 3
Turkish Get Up
Dumbbell Flat/Incline/Decline Bench Press
Offset/Standard Farmers Carry/Stairs
Tornado Ball or TRX Anti-Press or Pallof Press
KettleBell Snatch

Bonus Day
Pull Ups
Military Press
KettleBell Swing
Goblet Squat


Well-Known Member
Never did the Bonus Day

Now I made the workouts harder and made it a minimum 4 day week.

Day 1
Dead Lift
TRX Jackknife
Offset Waiters Carry
Clean Grip Reverse Lunge

Day 2
Band Resisted Leg Raise
Front Squat
One Leg Dumbbell Calf Raise
Weighted Pull Up
KettleBell Clean/Clean and Press

Day 3
Turkish Get Up
Dumbbell Flat/Incline/Decline Bench Press
Offset/Standard Farmers Carry
Tornado Ball or Palloff Press
KettleBell Snatch

Day 4
Military Press
KettleBell Swing or Hip Thrust
Bent Over Row
Double KB Front Squat
Barbell Curl


Well-Known Member
I know that kettle bells have more variations but please don't be one of those annoying crossfit people that are always posting there workouts
What you are saying is ridiculous.

This is their thread, not yours. If someone wants to log ALL their workouts to keep motivated then why not. This is the Health and Fitness section is it not?


Well-Known Member
I have been working out for about a year and just three months ago shifted to 6X a week alternating between cardio and strength. Since I started the strength training I've gained 10 pounds and feel a lot better. Although today the dumb bells sort of worked my shoulders out and the squats made my legs stiff. But tomorrow is Cardio day and an hour/10 miles on the bike plus some planks and squats will probably work out the kinks.

Been wondering what a good pre-workout bud would be. It seems a good sativa, not too strong, might be just the thing to keep me focused, the gym is kind of boring. I found that taking my tablet and watching netflix while I ride the bike keeps my mind off the boredom and makes the hour go faster.

Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
I have been working out for about a year and just three months ago shifted to 6X a week alternating between cardio and strength. Since I started the strength training I've gained 10 pounds and feel a lot better. Although today the dumb bells sort of worked my shoulders out and the squats made my legs stiff. But tomorrow is Cardio day and an hour/10 miles on the bike plus some planks and squats will probably work out the kinks.

Been wondering what a good pre-workout bud would be. It seems a good sativa, not too strong, might be just the thing to keep me focused, the gym is kind of boring. I found that taking my tablet and watching netflix while I ride the bike keeps my mind off the boredom and makes the hour go faster.

Any suggestions?
I stick with pre work drink such as mesomorph or kraken


Well-Known Member
My workouts are different now. I bench press, squat, and dead lift twice a week. I started jump roping again to burn fat. Don’t go medium speed on any cardio. Sprints are supposedly more effective. Don’t forget farmers carry’s. If you’re bored, switch to exercises you enjoy. Check out snatch grip dead lifts!

I prefer a hybrid. I don’t get too blasted before the gym. Some Sativas can cause anxiety. Some indicas can make you not want to work hard. Bong hit or couple rips off a joint of a hybrid helps me concentrate and focus on technique. Technique is so so important.


Well-Known Member
New workout looks like this. I don’t have enough time to finish every workout. I end up doing 6-10 sets on the main lifts. It can take close to 2 hours. I’m gonna remove some exercises and add in jump roping and heavy bag work.

Day 1

Warm Up/ Band work

Barbell Bench Press

Front Squat/Back Squat

Farmers Carry

Kettlebell Snatch

Day 2

Warm Up/Band Work

Snatch Grip Dead Lift or Dead Lift (light)

Bent Over Row

Shoulder Shrug


Super Set : Weighted Hanging Leg Raise -TRX Jackknife

Day 3

Warm Up/ Band Work

Barbell Bench Press

Front Squat/Back Squat

Waiters Carry

Super Set : Weighted Hanging Leg Raise -TRX Jackknife

Day 4

Warm Up/ Band Work

Turkish Get Up

Dead Lift

Barbell Calf Raise/Seated Calf Raise

Pallof Press

Day 5

Warm Up/Band Work

Power Clean

Farmers Carry

Jump rope (3) 3 minute rounds


Well-Known Member
It's cool to see how your exercise selection changed over time. You outgrew goblet squats, stopped hip thrusts because they're silly, rotated lunges out because they're more difficult than effective.

Then power clean, snatch grip dead and shrugs come in! All traps, All Day! I like it.