Grow Bibles, Books and Resources Sticky?


Well-Known Member
Greetings RIU moderators,

I'm wondering if you've considered adding a sticky to the General Marijuana Growing, or wherever you think appropriate, on grow bibles, books and resources. I'm happy to post an initial/starter bibliography, I also got some great responses to an earlier post on the best Grow Bible that I'm happy to compile. Maybe add a poll? I think there are a few purposes this could serve

1) provide a space for folks to discuss books and articles they're reading
2) provide a bibliography for newbies and experienced growers to reference with feedback/ratings from RIU members
3) create a space for RIU members to rank and critique books and articles - share their expertise with the broader RIU community.

I am happy to write an initial post if the moderators will consider making it a sticky or new forum. At present, the messages I've posted have been lost in the shuffle of newer posts.

Thanks for considering! Let me know what you decide!!!



Staff member
i mean , honestly the best way to get a sticky is to make your own thread,
if it has valuable enough information you can request a sticky
make sure it has plenty of good information, and time effort and proper language invovled. most stickies are they because theyve become such good tools for use , so if youres fits the bill i dont see why we cant sticky it.
However you have to do it if youd like.


Well-Known Member
I like the idea, but the problem is it doesn't seem like a lot of folks read the stickies. Frequently I see threads started asking about issues addressed in detail in one of the stickies.


Well-Known Member
This might be the wrong place for this but can someone tell me why I never get any replies to my questions in the aerogarden forum. I'm a newbie grower for personal use just trying to get better. Also why do I get message at bottom of some posts like this one that I'm not authorized to view the full post. Thank you hopefully I'll get a reply this time


Staff member
This might be the wrong place for this but can someone tell me why I never get any replies to my questions in the aerogarden forum. I'm a newbie grower for personal use just trying to get better. Also why do I get message at bottom of some posts like this one that I'm not authorized to view the full post. Thank you hopefully I'll get a reply this time
not much happening in the aerogarden forum, its a little quiet there, try posting in the newbie thread.
as for authorization you need to be an established member, just post make friends it'll happen