Selling Clones


Well-Known Member
If you sell clones, how much do you charge?

I've never really thought about it, but it might be worthwhile if there's demand. But that's a different subject. Just curious what people are charging.

*Not interested in legal/dispensary prices.


Well-Known Member
Michigan prices are anywhere from $10-$50 a clone. The more reputable the nursery and their cut the more they charge.

The demand is crazy, but the amount of plants needed to keep up with the demand is even crazier. I could easily sell 200-300 clones a week if I were ballsy enough to have that many plants.

For me it's not worth the risk...

Network with your local hydro stores and you will have more customers than you will know what to do with if you want to try.


Well-Known Member
Depends what you got elites should cost good money your best of 20 seeds I'm not giving you $5 cause chances are I got way better but I'm not handing out my best cuts I would trade seeds for the best of the best to come back to me though but legalization comes I don't want my pride and joy mom to be like Blue Dream. Some say that's greedy but ain't nobody giving me shit.

personal lux

Well-Known Member
10-20 for sure. ive sold 10 50x trays worth of pre cut gelled and put into cubes but unrooted clones for 1500 before. Guys getting 70-90% success love it. Plus it keeps me out of harms way with legal numbers.