Opinion of DMT?


Well-Known Member
Of course...but where is it? Some random astral plan where the higher" conscience lay? Or maybe it's just a chemical fuckin with you brain
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Active Member
We produce small amounts of DMT on our own. Maybe we need that trickle for consciousness, or to develop a sense of reality


Well-Known Member
If the DMTverse is where we go when we die kill me now. However I have had an array of experiences on DMT, both good and bad, very few were similar to each other. The closest place I felt that could be where we go when we die was an experience I had that looked just like my display picture.


Well-Known Member
Great experiences scary experiences. Great thing to realize who you are. Spread out your experiences by at least a few weeks and don't overdo it


Well-Known Member
DMT is like God scratching the vinyl record on the mixer, with the vinyl record being reality and the mixer being your consciousness, both of which are very subjective, which you will be immediately made aware of.
I personally think DMT is a teaser for what awaits you in the afterlife.