Any input on green lights on ac?


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. I've read a bit about green lights being safe for flowering plants. Obviously I've read a few different takes on this and thought if ask my friends here on riu for any first hand experiences. I finally got to build a grow room and the ac unit I got has green lights.

Are all green lights ok? Or is there a special spectrum of green which are deemed safe? It is a digital ac. And so far has kept me temps under great control.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm talking about the green display lights there's a green led and the temp display. I'm not sure what kind of light the display is just that it's green and reminds me if the LCD display in calculators.
Edit. They're allways on.
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Well-Known Member
Green light thing isn't true. You can't put a bright green light in your room and expect the plants to not notice. If you can see the light, the plant can also use it for photosynthesis. Greens aren't as efficient as 20-30% is reflected, but the other 70-80% is used by the plant. Other colors are only reflected at 5-20%. Just wanted to make sure people don't think they can use a bright green light to play in their grow room during dark period.


Well-Known Member
I had my green lights on my ac was messing with my flowering steel, two weeks in I started seeing seed pods now I've gaffa typed all them up picked them off b4 they opened now seems just fine has to to total black is best hope this helps


Well-Known Member
I had three little green lights but now I've correct it seems fine wot else could it b my seeds from a rep company temps bang on intake outtake algood coco with a+b with canna boost pH right cnt see no more seed sites as in new pods any help would b greatfull


Well-Known Member
I taped off all the lights. I'm growing blueberry hill and the fuzz both bodhi gear. Last time I had lots of hermie issues with bbh and bodhis appy thunderfuck. My fault as I stressed the shit out if them. P&k deficiencies, huge temp swings and a cheap grow tent.
Tonight I found one of my bbh had shitloads of pollen sacks. It's dead now. My room is set up good and the deficiencies have been fixed so I'm leaning towards genetics. I've read of a lot of hermie issues with bodhis gear on the uk grow sites. Tomorrow I'll go sit in there for a while before lights on. Thanks everyone.


Well-Known Member
Can any1 help I've got a blue cheese pukka all fine and I've got 1 calfonia orange witch is not right its 3weeks in bud every now and then I was getting little pollen sack like lil flowers But the odd 1 here and there I thought it was the lil green light off my ac but its all sorted coco a+b canna coco and pk and canna boost my pH like 5.8 run off low but the plants look real good will the orange poll in its self the cheese is fine help


Well-Known Member
Could be anything really. People still loved the seeded flowers I had last time. Sounds like a small grow so you might just want to pick off the pollen sacks best you can. Check your temps and temp swings. Good luck Carl.


Well-Known Member
Nice1 bro yeah just a little two planter just persi lol my temp 26c day 21c Nite wud my dress air intake mess them up like right on them lmao wharr but I've got card on my intake pointing up to the os fan so lovely nice air flowing round habit of cold helps with resin I've heard