Picture of your pet thread !!!


Well-Known Member
That was first thing I googled, hit images and walrus penis bone was first thing that popped up, looked similar.

Played this game with a friend's dad. He got a kick out of watching us trying to figure it out. Holding it up to our face and whatnot. Was a Damn coon dick bone.


Well-Known Member
My dog got to visit his ex owner last night and he went mental!!

To top it off his bitch was in heat so my poor dog didn't know what to do! Usually he ignores her and will play fight her for the ex owners attention. Not last night though!


Well-Known Member
Buddy brought in a possum the other day. Scared the crap out of me. Apparently they live up to their name. It lay there for about a minute, then lifted up its head, blinked, wiggled ears, got up and took off out out the balcony door.
I thought my dogs had killed a cat one morning out under our fruit trees. When I got close I realized it was a possum, playing possum....the dogs hadn't hurt it, only nosing it. I pulled the dogs off and soon enough the possum woke up and climbed back up the orange tree.....


Well-Known Member
I was walking next to the library with big glass windows, and 2 birds flew about 2' in front of me face and hit the windows, i thought wtf and they both fell to the ground all messed up , heads twisted ,legs broke
and with broken wings.
they both tilted there heads back and i could see the white in there eyes and they went into shock, i thought i cant leave them here they could live like this with out food and not being able to fly for days?
so i hit them on the head with a peice of wood and put them out of there misery,
i felt awfull to do it

funny thing is it happen again the day after , but the bird had just been kknockef over by a car,
it was in the middle of the road all messed up like the other 2,
so i stood on its head to kill it,,,

i heard this one squeek??