Drug test question - 10 panel accuracy


Well-Known Member
So just for shits and giggles I bought a ten panel drug test off of amazon to test myself with knowing I would not pass the THC section. Well to my surprised I passed the THC section but did not pass the cocaine panel. Are these thing that inaccurate? I haven't done any coke in years. They're so cheap about thought about getting a couple more and seeing what the results are. It worries me that these things could be this inaccurate.


Well-Known Member
They've always been pretty accurate for me..... not sure if anything causes false positives for coke. or if you just bought a really cheap one or what


Well-Known Member
Ten pannel can reffer to many different styles of tests

but Im guessing you got a dip-stick style test ?? If so then in my experiance their inaccurate , I would wrongfully fail about 1 out of 10 . Many of the tests offer lab verification if failed by mailing away check the box / instructions

Some of the individual pannels are known to be alot less accurate than others , opiates and amphmetimens are 2 becouse of many OTC products that are structuraly simmilar and or things like poppy seed that contain trace amounts. Alchool is 1 as well many people have enouth alchool producing bacteria in the right spot in their gut to produce enouth to fail tests. 1 person was just found to be permently drunk . As well as the mouthwash vannila extract, cough syrup ect. ect.