1000 gallon grow, already 5 footers... need advice.


Well-Known Member
So my bushes are already 3 and 5 foot tall.

So I snatch up some "Grow bags"

Math people please help with volume calculator.
84x84x46 inches.
188 cubic feet of soil
6.9568 cubic yards of soil

They are square.

Is this 600 or 1000 gallons? They have no brand but look great!

Note: This is clearly an example of Extreme guarding.
I will fold them down to 20 inches in the end.

188 cubic feet of soil
6.9568 cubic yards of soil
7 Yards to gallons is 1500 GALLONS


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Well-Known Member
I have full sun, I got these for cheap. I would fold them down in half.
its 1500 gallons! Folded down is 700 actual gallons.
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New Member
I'm just curious. What's the reasoning for the grow bags? Myself, I am just digging a hole and putting in good soil. I am newish tho...


Well-Known Member
1405 gallons by my calculator. Fold them for sure and get it done fast! Those bushes are going to get more challenging to transplant everyday.


Well-Known Member
those are 5 gallons, tall is Pineapple Tie and small is purple kush.
The Pineapple is about 4.5 foot tall and is bent over to grow wide not tall. The kush is about 3.5 foot across. Im going for wider plants not tall. The soil store said fold the bags in half. That is 3.5 yards each at 25 inches tall bags.

A second store said plants seek soil across not deep and 20 inches is good enough.

