More XTC users than cannabis users in the Netherlands


Well-Known Member
The report isn't very reliable as an average for the entire Dutch population as the respondents were mostly those with higher education and the age of 20-30. Still, more XTC users than cannabis users. I guess I'm getting old, haven't used XTC in nearly two decades but it seems to be hot again amongst the kids, well, youngsters.

Energiedrankjes is energy drink... Lachgas is laughing gas, stuff dentists used. Paddo's are mushrooms. Waterpijp is a bong, but the persian style with flavored tobacco not mj/hash. Vloeibaar THC is 'liquid THC' (rare because oil is illegal).

Oh... and Duitsland is Germany. Gray bar is worldwide average.


Well-Known Member
The Dutch managed to make cannabis seem boring to its own population, ask dutch teens.
In a way thats good cause youre probably not gonna find a high percentage of teens who smoke though might find other illegal drugs more exciting.


Well-Known Member
I'm not believing it
Well the title is indeed a false statement, just copied from the original article. Like I said in the op, "The report isn't very reliable as an average for the entire Dutch population as the respondents were mostly those with higher education and the age of 20-30."

From another article:

Nearly 70% of Amsterdam students have taken ecstacy. 75% did not have it's quality checked [note: this is legal and free in the Netherlands to have it tested], research by university magazine Folia Magazine and the bonger institute shows.

Ecstacy pills will have been illegal for 25 years by the end of this month: they were banned in november of 1988. Still, Ton Nabben, researcher at Bonger institute, specialized in drug trends in the amsterdam student life, says the use of ecstacy has 'normalized'.

People in their twenties want to distinguish themselves which they, among other means, do by experimenting with drugs, he says today in Folia. Ecstacy is in the top three of most heavily used substances among Amsterdam students, after alcohol and Marijuana.

60 percent of Amsterdam students have taken ecstacy more than twice, usually in this year. 15 percent of all students using ecstacy does so every month or more. Ecstacy is a substance used to experiment with a lot, but isn't usually taken on a regular basis, Nabben says.

So, 'after' alcohol and mj which again shows the research in the first post isn't entirely accurate.

Additionally, the equivalent of the young democrats (youngster version of two of the largest parties here) have proposed several times XTC should be legalized.

And here's the kicker: did you know XTC is in practice less harmful than cannabis?


Well-Known Member
Well, considering the massive amount of anti-XTC propaganda governments and others have spread for decades I think many, if not most, don't believe it either. Some day it'll be common sense, just as it's starting to sink in worldwide that alcohol is more harmful than mj.


bud bootlegger
The Dutch managed to make cannabis seem boring to its own population, ask dutch teens.
In a way thats good cause youre probably not gonna find a high percentage of teens who smoke though might find other illegal drugs more exciting.
see, this is why i'm against prohibition for a big part.. many people are only interested in drugs simply because they're taboo, remove the stigma and lots of people will no longer be attracted to them as they no longer give the user the bad boy / girl image they're after by using them in the first place..
of course this isn't true for every user.. not my point ..


Well-Known Member
What is the LD50 on XTC?
"The LD50 of MDMA ranges from about 100-300 mg/kg in assorted rodents.[42] The single-dose LD50 in humans can only be guessed at, but may be on the order of 10-20 mg/kg (oral.)" Source-

What is the LD50 for cannabis?

"At present it is estimated that marijuana’s LD-50 is around1:20,000 or 1:40,000. In layman terms this means that in order to induce death a marijuana smoker would have to consume 20,000 to 40,000 times as much marijuana as is contained in one marijuana cigarette. NIDA-supplied marijuana cigarettes weigh approximately .9 grams. A smoker would theoretically have to consume nearly 1,500 pounds of marijuana within about fifteen minutes to induce a lethal response."

There you have it.


Well-Known Member
There have been quite a few reports over the years comparing cannabis use to surrounding countries and it seems to even out. I.e. the easy availability through tolerated coffeeshops hasn't lead to more users, if anything, slightly less and yes probably cause it's less attractive when legal. A major difference with surrounding and other countries is that we don't have as many real junkies. 20 years ago you could easily see the heroin needles on Amsterdam Central Station, nowadays, heroine, and especially crack and meth is rare here, hence not even on the list in the op. The cokeheads in Amsterdam seem to be mostly tourists from southern europe.


Well-Known Member
There you have it.
All you have there is a comparisson by weight...

Read carefully:
And here's the kicker: did you know XTC is in practice less harmful than cannabis?
In practice, ie. not in theory, cannabis has a worse effect on cannabis users than XTC has on XTC users. I'm not comparing someone who uses a vaporizer for bho to an XTC junkie that uses dozens of pills daily. And not comparing people who 'eat' cannabis to those who overdose on pills... it's about comparing the use in the real world as people have been doing here for decades.

I'm too lazy to look up resources, I have no interest in convincing anyone, was not the point of this thread either. And, like I said, someday it will be common knowledge.


Well-Known Member
If the Dutch made good cannabis then they would not need the other stuff ...? only goes to show>?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever ODed from cannabis? NO! has anybody ODed from MDMA? Maybe :P It's more possible than weed.

In practice MDMA is more dangerous than weed :) , but only because weed is the safest drug known.

Honestly, MDMA is one I've not done. Not because of anything other than timing. I haven't done synthetics in many years, mostly because of no clue as to purity.

Cacti ;)
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Well-Known Member
I'm not denigrating MDMA. It's a generally safe (and helpful) drug. Choose any other drug to compare MDMA to with that same statement (well, maybe not LSD).

HOWEVER it is and will always be more dangerous than cannabis... i practice, in reality, and everywhere else.
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