Need to Flush If Only Giving Molasses?


Active Member
Well I have read lots of threads on what to do when you get near the end of harvest time...and as everyone should must flush you plant.

However, I was wondering if you still need to flush you plant, if the only thing added to the water was...molasses?

If you still must flush, then is it still a 2 week wait or just flush one day before harvest?

Thanks so much,

PS: So far I have noticed a difference in one of the plants getting the molasses. I think it might be working.


molasses is often used with plain water AS a flush...

you're plants are coming along well without any ferts, just mol.?

i'd like to see pics of these!


Well-Known Member
I would give straight water the last two waterings. It says flush to getout sugars, ferts ect. And Molasses is a sugar


Active Member
Hello and thanks for stopping by to add some advice. I might have comfused some people in another thread when I tried to explain how I was feeding my girls...but I told them what I was doing in the beginning of their growth was actual wrong.

Instead of feeding them nuts with every watering...I was giving them just plain water about every day to every other day and only giving them nuts, maybe once a month or so...yes I know that was dumb, however I didnt know any better.

It was only uptil about 2 months ago did I read that nuts should be with every watering and that is what I did. Then I read about the molasses and started to add only that with the watering...for about 3 to 4 weeks.

I was concerned towards the end of flowering because they say to flush the plant and I had forgot to stop using the molasses.

As for the type of plant...I'm sorry but I dont know. It was given to me as a clone and the person did not know either. Here are some pics, if they dont look clear or work...please tell me.

The first pics are ones close to harvest time (I think they are almost ready). The last one was taken about 2 weeks ago.

Thanks for sharing your advice


Florida Blooms

Well-Known Member
I think they look great. Personally, i think its better to not use so much nutes. I am like you, do it about every 2 weeks until the end. I also judge if i need to increase or decrease usage by the liveliness (leaves, stalk, thickness, ext) of my plant.