Problems - First timer + Pics


Having a problem, I have attached pictures because I am not sure what exactly the problem is.. I am a medical patient who is trying to grow for the first time.

The bottom 2 leaves are dying/ one is dead but still attached. It seems as though there is brown/yellow/white streaks running throughout leaves. The top 2 are healthy and green the rest are hurting. They get about 9+ hours of sunlight per day its a lowryder strain. I used miracle grow tomato food while watering 2x in 1 week then stopped after I started seeing problems. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!

(think it will survive?)




New Member
Having a problem, I have attached pictures because I am not sure what exactly the problem is.. I am a medical patient who is trying to grow for the first time.

The bottom 2 leaves are dying/ one is dead but still attached. It seems as though there is brown/yellow/white streaks running throughout leaves. The top 2 are healthy and green the rest are hurting. They get about 9+ hours of sunlight per day its a lowryder strain. I used miracle grow tomato food while watering 2x in 1 week then stopped after I started seeing problems. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!

(think it will survive?)

the dont need any ferts yet
im sure thats ur prob
only water during seedling stage


yeah for sure
start adding 1/4 strength ferts when the cotyledons die off....
and depending on how much u already put in there u might need to flush it
Yea thanks , I figure it needs to be flushed to be sure. What do you recommend the best method for this is? I am guessing watering all around the plant heavly in attempt to flush the nutes out the bottom and out of the soil??


New Member
Yea thanks , I figure it needs to be flushed to be sure. What do you recommend the best method for this is? I am guessing watering all around the plant heavly in attempt to flush the nutes out the bottom and out of the soil??
they say to flush with 3 gallons of water to every gallon of soil....


ok bro thanks , flushing it is a good idea? They seemed to be doing FINE until we got tropical storm rain last week in hawaii. Maybe got a little overwatered..


New Member
ok bro thanks , flushing it is a good idea? They seemed to be doing FINE until we got tropical storm rain last week in hawaii. Maybe got a little overwatered..
if u think that the storm flushed it out then just water with water from now on til they r ready......
i dont know how much ferts u put in....
did u drench the pot with nutes...
or just around the plant


Sorry man I don't know why my posts are getting screwy- I really appreciate you helping me out didnt mean to sound rude "I don't believe so " lol. I mixed 1 tablespoon with a gallon of water in watering can and watered it 2x.. pretty good watering.. I'll go flush now


New Member
Sorry man I don't know why my posts are getting screwy- I really appreciate you helping me out didnt mean to sound rude "I don't believe so " lol. I mixed 1 tablespoon with a gallon of water in watering can and watered it 2x.. pretty good watering.. I'll go flush now
its cool
just wanna say with that big pot ,u should not have to water often....especially after flushing


I have some miracle grow tomato food and some alaskan fish fertilizer - how much and how often should I feel my dinafem road runner.. it seems to be showing some hairs already? is this normal as its only a 2 weeks old


So, I'm reading this thread and this guy, the op of all people, keeps replying to someone trying to help him out with a simple "I don't think so"... Sorry man, that was just too funny and the timing was great... Thanks for the laugh, cause I was reading it and really thinking "what's up with this guy"?... lmao

Anyway, moash said it, no ferts at all when they are babies. Also, take a look at the MG tomato food, I believe it is more of a flowering food and not right for vegetative growth.

Watering schedules, and opinions on them vary wildly, but you won't need to water her much yet... Just don't let it get dry while she is recovering. I am not of the opinion that letting the soil dry out between watering is a good idea. Sure, it may promote a tad more respiration, but just how much is subject to debate. I don't like to let potted plants get very dry because some potting mixes become difficult to rehydrate when they become dry and people have even stressed their plants thinking they were getting water, but it was actually just running down the inside of the container and out, keeping the mass dry. Also because in a pot it is a fine line between letting the soil dry out and getting so dry as to stress the plant. Where I live, my plants need water everyday, some days more than others depending on the weather.


Okay so this morning I walked out there and it seems there is hairs/pistols starting to grow (white) and I took some shots.

Now the strain is Dinafem Roadrunner which is a autoflowering strain. The cotlydeons have fallen off and some leaves seem to be dying/dead I took some pictures - do I leave these alone? When do you suggest using fert?

I too live in desert conditions out here in Hawaii and it seems to drink water very quickly ;P

This is my first grow and appreciate your input!

