Maxicrop Liquid Seaweed - Chlorine?

Drake S

Howdy - Question for you learned growers:

I've been using Maxicrop liquid seaweed for my grows, and have a question:

Maxicrop contains *not more then 1% Chlorine*. I thought chlorine was a no-no, based on all the information about tap water containing chlorine, and that you should let that evaporate. How can chlorine be bad in tap water, but not in Maxicrop?

Thanks for the feedback, Drake.


Chlorine in tap water is in the form of free chlorine or chloramines. Neither of these are found in nature, and both are used to disinfect tap water.

The Cl in Maxicrop must be in the form of a chloride. Common table salt is sodium chloride. Maxicrop is derived from kelp, which comes from the ocean, and sea-water has chlorides. Plant's actually require chlorine as a trace element.