Homemade Organic Fertilizers?

hello! this grow season, i shall be growing outdoors, and was wondering what are some simple recipies for an all organic fertilizer. the plants will be in the ground directly and i need a safe recipie.
does fish tank water work? ever tho there are chemicals to purify the water and to keep me fishies safe?
if there isnt anything that i can make, what organic ferts. do u recommend to make my plants grow like beast's!!!! and, a good flowering fert.
thanks so much guys and gals!
Peace and Pot:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hows it going GDP, great strain, I would not recommend using fish wter. The chemicals are used to kill bacteria, good or not, and in organics we strive for the beneficial bacteria,which would be lossed if you used it. There are a number of different organic nutes you an use. I posted a copy of LC's mix somewhere in the organics thread that should help you, I'll look for it. even google LC's mix, I'm sure you'll find something useful. Hope that helps.


Active Member
look at compost teas. they are totally organic and plants love it! It's easy to make as well. you can add guanos, liquid kelp/fish, molasses, coffee grounds, all kinds of good shit.