my revamped grow thread-mystery seeds first grow hydro

a few months ago i started a thread here, but when the website was hacked i lost it, so im gonna try and restart my thread. this is my first time ever growing anything. feel free to comment. i accept positive criticism. anything helps.

heres the first set of pics. i started as a soil grower before i started actually doing my research.

heres my long stretching stems. shouldve done my research first lol

heres a video of my hydro setup i built after i started learning more. for my hydro setup i decided to go with aeroponics. i use general hydroponics floraduo parts A and B in a strong grow blend, keeping my PH at 5.8-6.2 and my temperature for the res between 60 and 68F. i change out my res every 2 to 3 weeks. i use 2 liter coke bottles filled with water to keep my temps low.

and heres my plants as they started to grow in my hydro setup, before i had to transplant them outside. in soil.

inside my hydro setup.

heres my plants with the new light

heres how they were right before i had to transplant outside into the soil.

i dont have any pictures of them in the soil outside, but heres after i re-transplanted them back into my hydroton in my new apartment.

this is the one that got the most shock.

this one took the best to the transplant.

the other plants seemed to take pretty well.

although this one i had to replant because the roots werent taking.

heres the setup as is in my new apartment. this is with my new 4ft/54w light in there. still screwing with the lights to this day.

i am still waiting for my pictures to upload right now so i will finish this post in a bit. should be all up today though. just wanna see if anyone will post in here before i finish my second part.
ok well something happened after i cut off the lower 2 nodes. something wierd. maybe normal maybe not. you tell me

started growing nodes at the nodes.

anyways heres my plants now.

gonna go home and top them all, well besides the one i already topped. thanks and looking forward to your helpfull hints.
ok well i posted on another thread and they said it was ok. got my 400w MH light today. hope it works well. now i gotta figure out how to cool my room.
i left Friday for the weekend to hang out with my friends about 2 hours away and came back sunday. since i put the 400w mh in my plants have almost doubled in size since thursday.


Active Member
Hey man lookin good so far, i'll tag along maybe I can be of some help down the road.

good luck!