light poisoning at 9 weeks!!!

Walked past my room this morning 2 hours after lights out and noticed the lights were still on!!:wall: I've had light poisoning before but never this late into the cycle. I'm all ready flushing! My question is am I going to be set back a lot or will they bounce back if I correct it tonight? Had some timer issues at 3 weeks which were much more severe, but it took them almost 5 days to resume rapid growth. Am I looking at this happening again? I've heard the further into the dark period you are the more sensitive they become. Any info appreciated.
poisoning sounds a bit harsh
poi·son (poizn)
1. A substance that causes injury, illness, or death, especially by chemical means.
2. Something destructive or fatal.
3. Chemistry & Physics A substance that inhibits another substance or a reaction: a catalyst poison.
tr.v. poi·soned, poi·son·ing, poi·sons
1. To kill or harm with poison.
2. To put poison on or into: poisoning arrows; poisoned the drink.
a. To pollute: Noxious fumes poison the air. See Synonyms at contaminate.
b. To have a harmful influence on; corrupt: Jealousy poisoned their friendship.
4. Chemistry & Physics To inhibit (a substance or reaction).

you should be fine


Weed Modifier
if only done once in a blue moon... they will be fine...just double check your timers, to make sure they are going off and on at proper time, and try not to let it happen again! lol
Thanks to all for the replies. I'm not scared of hermies, just freaking on the thought of them sitting idle for the next few days. They were fattening up so much over the last week I thought I was gonna take them down early! If I didn't have a bunch of little ladies dying to be flipped I would just wait this out with no worries but... with my system timing is everything.
Once again thanks for the help.

Note: Light poisoning was a bit harsh but sounded better than day cycle extended by 2 hours by accident.:)