idk wat this is lol


Well-Known Member
Looks like stress 3 leaves and maybe nute burn. Could be other things but without a full setup review it's hard to say.


New Member
I am thinking potasium lockout due to high salinity or calciium overage. Could also be caused by cold environment. What are your ambient room temps? If 75-84 degrees it is not likely the temp. Flush them out with ph'd water. If you do not have ph testing supplies, get some. But you can try distilled water. about 2x the amount of water as you have soil, should do the trick.
Potassium - Too much sodium (Na) displaces K, causing a K deficiency. Sources of high salinity are: baking soda (sodium bicarbonate "pH-up"), too much manure, and the use of water-softening filters (which should not be used). If the problem is Na, flush the soil. K can get locked up from too much Ca or ammonium nitrogen, and possibly cold weather.