Help please, First time grow.


Active Member
personaly for a 1stime grow you have all the right ideas but personally id start basic soil basic veg nutes basic flower nutes and a hps light once you have say 2 grows under your belt then explore as some of ur set up is a bit pricy but you in the right areas and look like you have done a lot of research


RIU Bulldog
Dude, do you realize the danger and trouble you're putting your family into? Not cool.
Thread closed.


RIU Bulldog
Just kidding....
but you know if you get busted your parents are going to jail...just remember that.
And if you think it'll never happen to you, stick around. You wont believe how many 'got robbed by my best friend', or 'getting busted-need help' threads there are.

Now, what is your question exactly?