quick fan question


I purchased this fan

I know its too much for my 2 x4 x8 closet but i was planning on getting a speed controller. I've seen posts saying to be sure that the controller you use is compatible with the type of motor the fan has or you risk burning up the fan.

Any suggestions on what speed controller to use with this fan?
I am using the Hydrofarm speed control on a Active Air 4" fan and have had no problems. I have the speed control turned all the way down to reduce noise. I have it running through a 6x26" can filter and a Cooltube. You can get these speed controls at Harbor Freight for $20 - exact same model.


thanks bloom i will pick one of those up.

The fan will be pulling air through a carbon scrubber, 2 x 250w cooltubes and exhausting the the closet creating negative air pressure inside the closet(Hopefully). Passive intakes low on the wall to bring in air from the next room over.

I just tossed together the worst mspaint diagram ever lol to show you what i'm wanting to do and see if ya think it will work.

Seriously excuse the horrible diagram


Looks great! You should have no problem. The fan you got really does move a lot of air. I am running the 4" in a 3x6x8' room at the lowest setting and it still pulls through the filter and ducting just fine.


Well-Known Member
The veg side appears to have passive intake and exhaust. If I am right you may want to rethink that.


it does have a passive intake/exhuast but again my fan is overpowered for the size room im dealing with so i was guessing that it would be able to pull enough air to properly ventilate both sides of the closet. Guess i wont know for sure till i set it up and try it out. if it doesnt work properly i could always add a y joint to the duct in the veg room that would be to exhaust air from that room.


Well-Known Member
You can try it but, don't experiment with your plants in there. I would think about another small fan, even a small "computer fan" to help move air on the veg side and use a passive intake. They are pretty cheap.