600w execution :( RIP


Ok so i had 2 week old plants about 9 inches tall had its third se3t of leaves. i used a 250w heat lamp for a start which work well. BUT, then the next step came, i bought as 600w sodium grow light. i placed the lamp half a meter away and gave it some ventilation. 5 hours later it was completly dried and wrinkly and DEAD ! :(:( i know ive done something really stupid. so im learning from the experience ive got some alaskan ice white widow, which is germinating. could someone please tell me what i should do about the 600w ie how far away it shoudl be and when i should use it ? cheers :):)



Well-Known Member
It was the heat. It dont matter how far away the light is from the plant if you cant get the heat out it will die.

By Ventilation do you mean moving the air around or moving it out?


Global Moderator
Staff member
600w is a lot for a seedling. I typically start under fluorescent lights & shift to MH about week two or so, and then I keep the lighting a couple feet above the tops.
Hope this helps avoid herb murder.


Haha cheers :) well as you can se in the pic it was just open doors. ive jsut started my new grow room :P :P :P its nearly done itl be 4m x 5m and 3 m tall. ive bought a fan to cool the air. should i also take some pipes from the plants to the outside for extraction ? Also the only bulbs i have it a 250w heat lamp, 600w sodium and a 25 w office lamp :P what else should i get i dont want to come home again with shiveled herbs :( cheers


Global Moderator
Staff member
Oh, shit - I didn't register the heat lamp thing earlier. Do not use a heat lamp, or the office lamp for that matter unless it has a CFL bulb in it. The heat lamp particularly is DEATH to plants, Wayyyy too hot and incandescent or halogen at that.
Stick with CFL in seedling stage and MH for Veg, HPS for Flowering.


ok lol now see by putting it at a window for sunlight when its young is that bad ? i heard about stretching but thats it. il show you my seedling before death this was with the heat lamp and sunlight, i thought they were ok lol but as for someone experienced thats something else :P cheeeeeers



Well-Known Member
Ditch the heat lamp and start the seeds under the 600 sodium if that is what you have. I'd recommend vegging under flourescent and flowering under the HPS. The main thing to remember is when you increase the light by a significant amount is to place the lamp far away and move down incrementally. The sudden increase in light will burn the plants since they are not used to it. When it comes to HPS I don't worry about trying to place it close to the plants.


Well-Known Member
as people are saying. you should get some floros for seedlings. 3 or 4 26 watt daylight bulbs would be just fine for seedlings. just keep em fairly close like 3 inches away will be fine. or go buy a t8, shop light those work great. then once they are hardier let flourish under hps.


kl il buy some flouros and il post some pics of them progressing :) :) thanks everyone lets hope the second grow will be good :)