Recent content by ZoeO

  1. ZoeO

    Girl in Paris needs advice

    Hi again r152, it makes sense to me about isolating the best seed (plant) of cause. But i'm not sure how to identify that lady.... Is it the fastest growing one, the one with the thickest stem,.......????????? I'm sure you've got ideas about this too, like usually, champ
  2. ZoeO

    Girl in Paris needs advice

    thx, thc and the lions of judah. I'll do that, like you and others suggested - a generation of clones instead of keeping an old mumplant in a closet. Just started this morning to build an extra room for this purpose, some sort of coffin with cfls in it. I wonder : do i need to install an...
  3. ZoeO

    Girl in Paris needs advice

    Hey peri ferrell... the garters look great on you ! Anyway what would rocky horror be without garters. "There's a light.....":joint:
  4. ZoeO

    Girl in Paris needs advice

    Hi Evilgenius... thx for feedback. you are right it's mainly calcium 34 mg/liter and magnesium 3.9 mg/liter ! Now you suggest i adjust accordingly... Do you have suggestions how to adjust it with those values ? should I go for what the hydro guy says...? just add it on top of the requiered...
  5. ZoeO

    Girl in Paris needs advice

    Well, just wrote facts... I'm a female stoner living paris and being in need of advise. Did you feel misguided ? I've got excellent advise by some members here, don't know if that has to do with me stating I'm a girl...Didn't feel like. Those guys were just helping out, nobody tried to get a...
  6. ZoeO

    Girl in Paris needs advice

    ok r152.. i'll be careful ! thx 4 feedback
  7. ZoeO

    Girl in Paris needs advice

    Now I've got it... well i let my tap water stand for 48 hours to vent off clorine and so on, but it still stays at 0.35, must be some shit in it, what ever it is... if ever give them too much nut can i save the crop by watering it down on the next feed or something like that ? (like rinse the...
  8. ZoeO

    Girl in Paris needs advice

    yeah thats what i did, i suspended it with rubber. it isn't that loud actually as i isolated the whole room with 80mm glassfiberwool under the plastic lining, even the floor... just at night i worry a bit, as i'm still on the 18/6 cycle... can't wait to go to 12/!2 from 8AM TO 8PM with the music...
  9. ZoeO

    Girl in Paris needs advice

    aha... so now i want to feed them about 1.3 -1.4 as they are still only youngsters.... i have an initial 0.35 for the plain water... i do my mix until it's at 1.65 to have it right? that scares me but it is what the guy in the shop says.. ufff so many different opinions on that question:wall:
  10. ZoeO

    Girl in Paris needs advice

    thx... you are right. i shouldn't take that serious. the guys in the shops build up real paranoia in me doing something wrong.. i'll do what you say : go with my guts-feeling. thx so much to all of you for your support. about the pics i'll wait a while. when the kiddies are grown up to fit in a...
  11. ZoeO

    Girl in Paris needs advice

    hahaha..... yeah right
  12. ZoeO

    Girl in Paris needs advice

    ok i go with your advise.. it makes far more sense to me than what the guy in shop says... thx so much ...if by any chance you come to paris - you're my guest to come over for a ...:sleep:
  13. ZoeO

    Girl in Paris needs advice

    well uhhhh... hihihi i try again... on the product it says to mix it with water 50ml in 10liter and then check the EC that should be at 1.8. if more add some plain water a.s.o.... now in the shop they say that the plain water (before adding the nutrient) has already an Ec value ( I checked it -...
  14. ZoeO

    Girl in Paris needs advice

    thx for reply ......... i'm on 1.4 now, growing on rockwool but my question is this : On the bottle it says to mix 50ml of each A+B into 10liter of water, then check with an EC meter that the mix is at 1.8 Now at the growshop the guys told me that i have to adjust that actually with the EC...
  15. ZoeO

    Girl in Paris needs advice

    1000000 thanks to you del66666 There is another question i have (sorry, again) : I use HY-PRO - HYDRO A+B Fertilizer. On the bottle it says to mix 50ml of each A+B into 10liter of water, then check with an EC meter that the mix is at 1.8 Now at the growshop the guys told me that i have to adjust...