Recent content by zin zin

  1. zin zin

    1 week into flowring

    Soil ~ Temp is around 24 C using CFL` Might be a nute burn cuting down on them just using plain water see how it goes
  2. zin zin

    1 week into flowring

    Hi guys i have my girls 1 week into flowering , watering them once every 36 hrs or so using One Part - Total Bloom fertilizer , now my "problem" is that the fan leaves are drying out , they are still dark green but if i touch them they crumble and die at the tip is this behaivor normal or there...
  3. zin zin

    Curl after Flush ?

    thanks alot for that chart man it will come in handy , im goina fix the light / heat problem now gona post a picture later today to show you guys the recovery she`s back to normal and all over night
  4. zin zin

    Curl after Flush ?

    aye my girl is almost back to normal , only problem i still have now is the nute burn which i tried to fix in the first place , oh well guess you can`t have them all thanks for your help guys
  5. zin zin

    Curl after Flush ?

    believe it or not i decided to water her again with the nutes i flushed her out last week and already the leaves are getting up again
  6. zin zin

    Curl after Flush ?

    Ph is 5.9 temp is 24 celsius
  7. zin zin

    Curl after Flush ?

    i`m really scared , i just came home and found it very weak i don`t want to loose her :( any tips are welcome
  8. zin zin

    Curl after Flush ?

    Is there anyway to fix this please reply i`m desperate :(
  9. zin zin

    Curl after Flush ?

    would need some feedback on this please
  10. zin zin

    Curl after Flush ?

    It looks like the plant relaxed this is mostly the top half of the plant , the lower half seems to be fine , also i have another question how can i stop it from growing vertically ? it`s almost 50 inches tall , it touches the light and the top has severe sunburn .
  11. zin zin

    Curl after Flush ?

    Hey guys i`m planin on goin into flowering stage next week and i`ve read that it`s good to flush your plant before you start this , as i noticed a small nutrient burn started also on the bottom leaves i decided to flush my plant i did this 2 days ago , now the problem is the leaves on the top...
  12. zin zin

    Ionic BLoom & Ionic Grow

    bump bump bump bump
  13. zin zin

    Ionic BLoom & Ionic Grow

    I am close to starting the flowering phase so i figured to get some Ionic Bloom going , i wanted to ask how often i should use it also i`m planing on cloning my girl first and was thinking to use some ionic grow on the clones after they sprout roots , i am open to suggestions i`m pretty new at...
  14. zin zin

    Plant Problem

    New problem :-s the leaves are at the bottom of my biggest one started curling and it`s getting worse even the small leaves that are sprouting are curling DOWNARDS what can i do to stop it ? , was reading that too much light might cause this but the leaves closest to the light are doing well ...
  15. zin zin

    Plant Problem

    damn :( is there any way to get rid of the male parts and keep the females for flowring ? without geting seeds