Recent content by zeusdog007

  1. Z

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Yes, I start from day1 (day1 being the day you transplant your rooted clone) with Rootshield granules. I do not use Rootshield to clone as I dont think the fungi have anywhere to colonize yet. Then I use it again when I transplant my 4" cube onto the bigger 8" cube (Rootshield granules again)...
  2. Z

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    It's an honor to finally post a worthy message on this thread...what I consider to be one of the best threads out there on DWC and Brown slime...(the other good one is by RitchieRich which I will post this there also). In late 2010 I got my legal license and started a DWC system (~40...