Recent content by youngpablo

  1. Y

    3x2x5 grow tent with 1000watt and 6 plants.

    Just listen to what the duck says my man....
  2. Y


    Go fuck yourself with that box fuckin troll
  3. Y

    Fully automated growing software/hardware???

    Yea lets start a convo on this....ive been thinkin about it for months ...itll be awesome...and pretty expensive. i do know for a fact that their is some sort of contraption that helps you alot and you can basically grow from a fuckin laptop.. buuuut wat about insects/mold/mildew etc you would...
  4. Y

    Drug Test Coming Up!

    If its urine look into "Quick fix" synthetic urine or similar product....bout 30 us dollars ....if anything else...blood/hair sample ure done....
  5. Y

    Nice Cocaine pick up

    Sorry bud but 96% is bullshit .....unless ure in peru, ecuador or the mountains of colombia themselves...i highly doubt it it pretty difficult for u to get that high % any where in the the time it gets to ure dealer its been stepped on several times maybe he didnt touch it but i...
  6. Y

    How often should I change my MH and HPS Bulbs?

    Depends really on how long u used them during those long did u veg for each time? How long was the flowering? But my new rule of thumb is two grows for each about 3 months veg 5-6 months flower for full potential...and im sure u still have enough juice in those suckers for ac ouple...
  7. Y

    for best taste What to smoke out of?

    Sorry bout u two .....but i love the taste of a BLUNT rolled in a vanilla dutch master...just use as less paper as u can..but for cleanliness ill take a bong even if i choke and cough myself into a concussion
  8. Y

    grow room materials

    Sounds like a small space...dont u dare throw a 1000w in there.....a 400 would be awesome for u to start up and gain some experience....key word EXPERIENCE...get ureself some good soil fox farms or roots organics...make sure ure water is on point PH!!!!....and dont go crazy with the nutes and...
  9. Y

    Help, plant is very smelly!

    Dont complain:bigjoint:......u gotta suck thru that filter only thing thatll help...find a way to make it happen homie
  10. Y

    Plush Berry: Ten Pack

    Try a mix of happy frog wit perlite....then dump dem girls in some OF wit extra perlite ....i did get some nute burn on my seedlings this time around goin straight OF....just keep an eye on em
  11. Y

    1week of dark before flowering?

    That doesnt even make sense.....48 hrs and ure pushing it..
  12. Y

    ok! are we talikng about marijuana or speed or meth, etc'?

    Last I checked Marijuana is not legal in jamaica....u can get tons of it and pretty good ...people and cops alike do not give two shits about it ...thats why it SEEMS Legal...
  13. Y

    two plants two questions

    Has not gone over 84 no lower than 70 at night avg at n
  14. Y

    two plants two questions

    Yes bud...i transplanted a week ago today...and yes it is in the house fresh cold outside to leave windows open while im at work..temps avg 80 and hum has stayed at 35%for the past two weeks with an avg of about 40 % since seedlings
  15. Y

    two plants two questions

    Talk to me guys watya think i have six plants one is showing burned tips and on the other the leaves are like folding upwards ....weird...u guys prolly can help me out hereFIG]2404588[/ATTACH]..the other four are fine...just a lil nute burn cuz i used ffof with a lil extra perlite since seedlings