Recent content by youngcanabis

  1. Y

    What do you drive?

    i drive a 2008 chevy silverado black with a 6'' lift, tinted windows with a screen and my 2 12" subs. haha cost my parents a lot
  2. Y

    Why you love cannabis.

    i met a bunch of friends and it helps me calm down and chill out
  3. Y


    never been caught thank god
  4. Y

    Rank em in Order....

    pipe joint bong joint
  5. Y

    My Bong is Gone Forever

    yea my beloved piece is my glass pipe
  6. Y

    Name some good movies

    both the harold and kumars, knocked up, live free or die hard, and pineapple express
  7. Y

    first smoke

    i was at a party and one of my friends told me to follow him. after a short walk to a desserted spot he handed me a glass pipe loaded with weed. then they taught me how to use the carb and i got high as hell
  8. Y

    Just got a sick new bong

    yea that thing is sick
  9. Y

    Have you ever gone green ?

    the only time i have ever gone green is when my friend had a going away party for another one of my friends and we smoked 4 blunts in a row between 5 people, we did this after all of us had a good 12 to 14 beers in us
  10. Y

    Marijuana a Gateway Drug?

    my first drug was alcohol and then when i was drunk one night i smoked weed and loved it to death. that was 3 years ago and the only drugs i do are alcohol on the weekend and weed whenever i feel like it, which is a lot of the time.
  11. Y


    im from baton rouge
  12. Y

    can't find this weeks episode of weeds!

    yea i love college football i live in baton rouge and attend LSU, its wild down here
  13. Y

    Are Joints Really A Waste Of Weed?

    yea i prefer my pipe because honestly ive never rolled a joint and kinda afraid to because of the loss of weed. and yea i dont like the taste of purp either, it doesnt taste natural at all.
  14. Y

    Where/how do you keep your bud?

    i think where you hide your stash is tight as hell
  15. Y

    man, i just cant wait.

    haha thats awesome i wish i could get good weed where i live