Recent content by ynnyang

  1. ynnyang

    Any ideas how much longer?

    Does this mean a plant that has already been harvested and put back under veg lite cycle? I tried doing this with Pandora's Box after a weak yield, and she started putting out leaves that were morphed and atypical, (like the plant below, but not as healthy.) After about 8 weeks of this, I...
  2. ynnyang

    Obama and Biden losing grip on reality.

    Great. More pink slime.
  3. ynnyang

    Wilting and droppie plant

    Totally agree! Very important for clones in soil.
  4. ynnyang

    Wilting and droppie plant

    I had three 3' healthy plants go out looking just like this one, over watering is all I could conclude... after remembering I changed to soil that was much more absorbent, but I continued same watering routine. Thump on the head to me!
  5. ynnyang

    Obama and Biden losing grip on reality.

    And consider how "meatless Monday" will affect the revenues of the beef farmers, many who are having to haul in /pay for water to grow their beef. Less revenue > grow less beef > pay less for watering... seems like it could be a wash.... but then up goes the price of beef. Supply and demand...
  6. ynnyang

    Social Security Administration To Purchase 174 Thousand Rounds Of Hollow Point Bullet

    If not for civil unrest, got any other ideas?
  7. ynnyang

    Neem oil & How to use it!!!!

    I am also interested in knowing about usage as a soil drench for soil bugs. These (I think) are fungus gnats, but they never develop into flying pests. However I know these can cause root damage in large numbers. I have been told by several growers that fungus gnat larvae only infiltrate the...
  8. ynnyang

    Scott's Hyponex potting soil

    I changed from FF to Fertilome (from Garden Store) and I will NEVER use anything other than FF again unless someone gives me a very good reason. I'm reasonable...
  9. ynnyang

    First time growing..

    12/12 is what you want to bring on the flowers, natural light or otherwise. Your macro shots are awesome dude.
  10. ynnyang

    NEEM OIL for Life!

    I just started using Neem Oil (diluted) to control mites which seemed to work, but one 3 ft plant wilted up, then died (RIP). It did great for about a week after the application. I also found fungus gnat bugs, not the larvae in the soil, but these are not becoming flyers. I applied Neem oil...
  11. ynnyang

    Any lady growers out there?

    One more 'chick' grower here, into my third grow! Looking for advice on using Neem Oil for pest control. I was told in addition to a plant wash, it provides systemic benefits so I have been using a diluted solution to spray the soil, since I have bugs - I believe fungus gnats, in my soil. (Not...