Recent content by Weeeds

  1. Weeeds

    smoking nutmeg

    So I'm out of weed so i decided to smoke some nutmeg as it's supposed to give a nice buzz when smoked in low quantities. I scraped out my grinder and got a very small amount of weed so i made a spliff (weed + tobacco) and sprinkled some store bought ground nutmeg on it, smoked half and went to...
  2. Weeeds

    How long do you hold your hits in for?

    4-5 seconds, inhale, another 4 secs and exhale
  3. Weeeds

    New Grow First Grow

    I'm no expert (just starting my first grow) but from the research I've done it's a lot easier to plant in soil than use hydroponics ,this might just be inexperience, but I've been told quite a few times an organic grow in soil is a lot easier (as I said I'm no expert) and yields better tasting...
  4. Weeeds

    Growing autoflowering

    Cant find Royal Queen Seeds northern lights at my local grow shops they've only got Genehtik Seeds is it as good? Really cant be bothered to get them posted from the Netherlands
  5. Weeeds

    Growing autoflowering

    I've been researching the auto AK47 and came across Think Different which looks really good. Just wanted to ask would this be a good choice for a newbie grower?
  6. Weeeds

    Growing autoflowering

    Right I'll try that thanks
  7. Weeeds

    Growing autoflowering

    I was thinking about getting a couple of autos and planting them in my garden but I've never grown weed before so if anyone could give me some advice about which strains yield the most but grow fast? i was thinking on getting speed devil 2 or big devil xl so any tips about those would be welcome...